We have now switched off the ‘contact the team’ function on the website , thank you for all your words of encouragement to the team.
89 entries.
What an incredible journey you have all had. The strength you have all shown has been amazing as what must have been some really scary times. You should all be really really proud of yourselves. So so proud of our amazing son in law Matt Hoey. Stay safe xxxx
Awesome read! Having been to both ends of Shackleton’s trail over South Georgia and flown over Crean and Fortuna I am properly in awe – even if they haven’t done it in an open whaler and tweeds. Crevassing was so bad I didn’t think anyone would be able to make it ever again. Epic stuff!
Very proud of you all. The tension I felt when reading the blogs of the epic journey had me gripping onto my seat. So pleased that the land team made it to safety and I hope your calf muscle isn't causing you too much grief now Molly.
So jealous that you had the chance to visit the "tourist" spots on the island - I've only ever seen images of the island either on photos or oil paintings/pencil sketches by Tom Price. Tim - thanks very much for keeping your promise and drinking a toast to him - he would've appreciated that from fellow Naval team members.
Best wishes and hope you have a good journey back.
Fantastic achievement, well done all.
Wow! What an amazing effort by all in some challenging weather & precarious terrain. This really is an inspirational adventure! Well done all!
What can one say? Inspiration, role model, figurehead? All these terms appear trite and inadequate when we read of your experiences. I am sure that the bond between you all will remain constant, and the times you re tell the stories and revisit the photos will bring this epic adventure back to life. You are a truly remarkable bunch and I know that you have stirred the adventurous spirit in many young people. At the same time you have emphasised the stunning achievement of Shackleton's team 100 years ago. Family, friends, and those who now know you through your exploits are proud of you and look forward to a beer or three on your return. Oh and don't forget my penguin!
My goodness, what an extraordinary achievement! So pleased to hear you're safe and back on the boat. Many, many congratulations to you all on your collective and individual achievements so far. It is truly inspirational stuff. I do hope it's not too long until the next shower day and does Molly's poorly leg mean he's allowed as much Philadelphia as he likes??? Tony, so, so proud of you and cannot wait to have you home.
Phew! So good to hear from Tony and the rest of you again! This knocks Channel 4's Walking the Himalayas into a cocked hat! Hope you really enjoyed your first night back on board. Hope they cooked up something good! Well done to everyone. Love from Garth and Gill.
Hey Donald and the team! Sounds like crossing South Georgia was an epic adventure!! Glad you all got back to the boat safe, looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home, keep up with the blogs and photos, it's lovely to be able to keep up with what's going on! Love you lots x x
Molly and the team, WOW!!!! AMAZING! FANTASTIC! INCREDIBLE! Well done you! That is all that I can think to say! Very happy to have you back online. Congratulations to all. Love to Molly and all the best to the rest of you crazy adventurers. Safe rest of your journey.
Very many congratulations to all on safely completing your epic crossing of South Georgia. Also thanks for the epic blog so soon after such a draining and demanding experience. Looking forward to the photos. Sandra and Alistair
Well done on the arm wrestle Matt! So what if there might have been a little devine intervention? God loves a Marine. Watch out for the polar bears,
R&D xxxxxx
Hi Tony and the gang, rarely do we get access to geniune tales of contemporary adventure in this day and age. Really great to read your posts and imagine being at the edge of the world. Glad to see you're all fairing well and well fed (sometimes it is all about the food). Looking forward to your updates and catching up on your return. Good luck and Godspeed.
Hey Tony and the gang - what an impressive adventure! I'm quite jealous, but I'm also probably warmer than you right now so I am greatful for that. Having a pint of Caledonia for you now in the pub watching the Wales Scotland game, I don't know if I'll manage a pint for each of you (unlike big Phil). Take enough photos to break Instagram and take care! Love Laura & Mike
Molly, Happy to hear (I think?!!) that seasickness has not disrupted your regular midnight raids on the frig! For the team, you may want to consider purchasing a cypher lock at your next port-o-call or perhaps Amazon can make an emergency test run using one of its new drones considering the gravity of the situation! Other than not so mysteriously missing edibles curtesy of Molly, sounds like all is going to plan! Congrats! I have my entire unit and other assorted family, friends and colleagues pulling for you. We are all very proud and excited for you!
Overjoyed to see you've reached SGSSI. Hope all is well and the land based team are going strong and the yacht team are not throwing soup over each other (sorry Paul old bean - I laughed in a very cruel fashion when I read Tony's account! I do hope there's no deep bruising).
Hope you managed to see Price Glacier as you left King Haakon and Cheapman Bays and the weather behaves itself. Good luck to you all.
Hi Tim and Team
Really enjoying the facebook entries and photos. I am pleased all is going well. Looking forward to seeing you (Tim) hopefully at the House dinner. Bon Chance!
Matt H.
Hey,looks and sounds like you are having an amazing time! We are all missing you and can't wait for you to come home and tell us all about it. We're following the tracking to see where you are.The girls are still waiting for their penguins-Eryn said not a smelly one though please! Good job you won the arm wrestle,you wouldn't have been allowed home if you had lost Matt!!! Team Hoey!!! ;0)
Stay safe and enjoy every bit! Love you lots x
We are all watching with great interest. You look as if you are having the time of your life. I hope the sea sickness isn't too awful.
We are all so proud of you.
Girl Power!
Hi Dad,
I'm really enjoying following the team on this adventure. We miss you Dad, and we're all so proud of you! I'm so happy you're having such a wonderful experience!
We look forward to hearing your stories when you're back.
Lots of love & stay safe xxx