Contact the team

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Contact the team - now closed

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89 entries.
Rowley from Chalfont St Giles wrote on February 6, 2016
Hi Tony, The photos and blog entries of your adventure are wonderful. You to read you managed to pack enough warm clothes, food and a wide assortment of adult beverages to keep your spirits up. Enjoy! Rowley
Shady Mk II from Jacksonville, NC wrote on February 6, 2016
Shady, I have released the Kraken in your honour. I also need to burn that damn hat...
Sarah from Bristol wrote on February 5, 2016
wow wow wow. I am really enjoying following your trip it look amazing. Emily I am looking forward to seeing your pics and hearing all about it on your return. The Tonic is on ice and we have plenty of gin to try 🙂
Tom Cunningham from Columbia South Carolina wrote on February 5, 2016
Best wishes for a safe and great adventure Kris to you and the rest of the team.
Kim Michaels from Portsmouth wrote on February 5, 2016
Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying your adventure. It seems ages since you were in our studio here at BBC South Today. I'm very much looking forward to hearing all about it, and seeing your holiday photos, when you get back. Kim 🙂
Douglas Ryder from Ringwood wrote on February 5, 2016
Tim, Did you dress for your regal three course dinner? Black Tie?
Lesley ferris from Poole dorset wrote on February 4, 2016
Hi Daniel looks as if you are all having a great adventure you all worked and trained so hard to get there. Best wishes to all the team .keep safe lots of love Mum xx
Gwenn Sperling from Walker, Ca wrote on February 4, 2016
Hey Molly, Thoroughly enjoy following the team. It takes me back to my McMurdo Station days, Winter Over crew93-94. Stay safe and enjoy!
Roger Bossart from Monterey, CA wrote on February 4, 2016
Wow, not to be verbose, but I see Lockheed Martin is a sponsor of AE16. I'm very proud of my former employer for being a sponsor. Thanks, Lockheed!!
Roger Bossart from Monterey, CA wrote on February 4, 2016
Temper Fi! Bravo Zulu! What an experience and what ideas may come from AE16 for team building. Team building in the military or the board room. Alas, if I were just a bit younger, I would have asked to join up. Remember the Scotch whiskey to celebrate Shackleton!
Laura Davis from Kingsland wrote on February 4, 2016
Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. We are proud of you! I will be praying for you.
Donna Eales from Ormond Beach, Florida wrote on February 4, 2016
Hi Josh and the rest of the gang! Enjoying reading about your adventures and seeing the photos. Looks like you're having a grand time. Be safe!
Elizabeth Cowart from Jacksonville wrote on February 4, 2016
So many Yanks from across the pond are keeping up with your adventure, best of luck to the whole team. So proud of you Josh, have a fabulous time!
Laura Jarvis from Oxford wrote on February 3, 2016
You all look like you are having a fantastic time, the blogs are brilliant, and keep posting the photos, they look amazing! Look after each other, keep warm and see you when you get home, love to you all x x
Danny from Nottingham wrote on February 3, 2016
Message for digger - good luck and all the best from the intercity 125 train spotting team
Tom holthausen from Brisbane wrote on February 3, 2016
Good luck Matt Hoey! Safe travels.
Denise bennett from Nottiingham wrote on February 2, 2016
Hi Matt (H) Hope you are enjoying yourself and making lots of memories. We love getting all the post and follow where you are. Hope you are keeping yourself safe. Love Denise x your favourite mother in law!!!!!!
Wayne Pearey from London wrote on February 2, 2016
Matt Hoey hope your enjoying another jollie. Watch those toes.
Ed Winter from Pangbourne wrote on February 2, 2016
Happy 49th Birthday Dad. I'm pretty sure this qualifies as your midlife crisis so have a good one! Looking forward to seeing you on the 5th of March. Good luck to the whole team enjoy the rest of the exped.
Bully from Nottingham wrote on February 1, 2016
Bog brush!